Leonardo Gelato
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Leonardo Gelato

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Rp 20.000,00–Rp 197.000,00
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5,0 dari 5 lingkaran217 ulasan
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38 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Des 2020 • none
rasanya enak, harga cukup lumayan mahal di banding es krim lainnya, klo makan 1 cup buat saya cukup kebanyakan. cuman skr tutup semenjak covid
Ditulis pada 4 Januari 2021
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Leonard Vereecken
Ditulis pada 28 April 2023
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Athalia C
Surabaya1 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2020 • none
rasanya ditambah dong rasa yg dicampur dgn wine ato beer gitu Rasa sesuai dgn harganya Sangat enak thank youu
Ditulis pada 1 Februari 2020
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Athalia C, grazie mille for your compliment review. We are happy that you enjoyed our ambiance and our amazing gelato flavour. From the early days when RivaReno was founded it was decided to never compromise on quality. RivaReno only uses the freshest and best ingredients. We would definitely pass your positive input to our Capo gelaterie, Thanks a lot for the input, Hope to welcome you and your family back soon, arrivederci RIvaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 9 Februari 2020
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Tangerang Selatan1 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2020 • family
Setelah di coba benerapa macam rasa ternyata enak-enak, tapi ada yang teman saya info ternyata tidak ada stock, ya sedikit kecewa, tolong stocknya di perbanyak yang kira-kira banyak orang suka , terima kasih.
Ditulis pada 17 Januari 2020
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Ciao , grazie for your review. We are so sorry but it was so busy during January that we did not cope with the production. we usually have 30 to 36 flavours ready daily, Since we produce fresh every hour this is the reason we had limited flavours left because we ran out. As of this seasons our laboratorio staff is doubled so that we assure at all times all flavours are available during the festive season. Our staff are a very important part of RivaReno and we will make sure to pass on your positive feedback. Have a wonderful week ahead and we look forward to seeing you back shortly. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 20 Januari 2020
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Hery PG
Lumajang16 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Des 2019 • friends
SANGAT SUKA. Itu kesan saya pertama kali kesana. Tempatnya luas dan indoornya bisa menampung banyak orang. Tidak terlalu ramai mungkin karena saya datang di malam hari. Setidaknya tidak perlu antri lama untuk order. Selain itu kita bisa mencoba beberapa gelato yang ingin kita makan sebelum order. Tempatnya asyik buat duduk duduk santai sambil ngobrol bersama teman sembari menentukam tujuan berikutnya. Karena lokasinya berada di daerah resto resto.
Ditulis pada 10 Desember 2019
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Ciao herypg, grazie mille for your feedback and visit. We are happy that you enjoyed and loved our gelato and ambiance. RivaReno is the humble end result of its century old inheritance, its hand crafted artisanal gelato and its natural and organic ingredients, and therefore we only hope that our consumers appreciate the considerable effort that we are making but most importantly enjoy the best and most delicious products possible in a cosy and comfortable environment, all according to the great Italian tradition of which we are so proud. Our gelato which is crafted fresh every day and the reason our gelato is tender and soft is because it is never frozen. It is around 4 degrees Celsius and therefore it does not numb your pallet. We never use industrial premixes or artificial ingredients. Have a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing you back shortly. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 13 Desember 2019
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Titus H
2 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Des 2019 • couples
Tempatnya bagus untuk foto.. Rasa gelato nya mantap.. Harga sesuai dengan kualitas rasa dan tempat..
Ditulis pada 4 Desember 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Titus H, grazie mille for your feedback and visit. We are happy that you enjoyed and loved our gelato and ambiance. RivaReno is the humble end result of its century old inheritance, its hand crafted artisanal gelato and its natural and organic ingredients, and therefore we only hope that our consumers appreciate the considerable effort that we are making but most importantly enjoy the best and most delicious products possible in a cosy and comfortable environment, all according to the great Italian tradition of which we are so proud. Our gelato which is crafted fresh every day and the reason our gelato is tender and soft is because it is never frozen. It is around 4 degrees Celsius and therefore it does not numb your pallet. We never use industrial premixes or artificial ingredients. Have a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing you back shortly. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 4 Desember 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Jakarta1 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Okt 2019 • couples
RivaReno gelato yg terenak & super creamy bener2 kepengen lg ni. Mantap. Kalo ke bali hrs ke gelato RivaReno lg.
Ditulis pada 2 November 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Grace Sutiono, we are so happy you are a true RivaReno fan! Besides our artisanal Alpine milk based gelato we hope next time you will try our sorbetto flavours as well. Every morning we cut the ripest and freshest organic Balinese fruit and craft silky smooth gelato. In RivaReno gelato you will never taste ice crystals since we consider that a sign of inferiority. Besides frappe (milkshakes) and fruit smoothies, crepes and waffles, RivaReno also serves Sicilian granita and all type of Freddo and Semifreddo cakes. Thank you for visiting and we hope to have you back as our special guest soon, warm greetings, arrivederci RivaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 3 November 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Denpasar452 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Sep 2019 • couples
Rivareno Gelato lokasinya persis ada di seberang pintu masuk kalo kalian mau ke pantai petitenget. Kalo dari depan tempatnya keliatan gede ya, dan bentukannya ala2 cafe yang proper bat dah, ada bagian di indoor dan di outdoor… Ngga cuma jual gelato aja, tapi disini ada coffee shopnya juga. Masuk ke dalam di sana ada pilihan rasa gelato-gelatonya dan dibagi2 jadi bbrp kategori gitu, ada classics, fruit sorbets, daily specials dan rivareno signature. Disini aku pesen yang small cup harganya 50.000 isinya ada 2 scoop gelato dan bisa pilih 2 varian rasa, aku pilih Grantorino dan Ananas, kalo kalian ngga familiar sama rasa-rasanya jan lupa disini kalian bisa tester dulu
Ditulis pada 23 September 2019
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Ciao Upnomad, grazie mille for your visit and review. We are happy you had a great time at RivaReno. Quality is at the heart of everything we do, from the quality of the product we use, to the service that we provide. We do have daily specials that rotate, follow us @rivarenobali to know the availability on each day. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 24 September 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Emalia K
2 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2019 • family
Tempatnya oke pelayanannya juga oke dan rasa es nya suka banget yg coconut and pistachio 👍🏼👍🏼 Good luck 👍🏼
Ditulis pada 6 Agustus 2019
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Ciao Emaliamawar, grazie mille for your compliment review. We are happy that you enjoyed our ambiance and our amazing gelato flavour. From the early days when RivaReno was founded it was decided to never compromise on quality. RivaReno only uses the freshest and best ingredients. We do have daily specials that rotate, follow us @rivarenobali to know the availability on each day. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 6 Agustus 2019
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MissDiana Dee
1 kontribusi
1,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2019 • couples
Isinya ga sebanding sama harganya. kita pesen plg besar tapi tidak sebanyak isi jika pesan di bawah size plg besar.
Ditulis pada 5 Juli 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Miss Dianatan, grazie mille for your feedback. We regularly and thoroughly review all of our guest feedback. We are sorry to hear that our gelato size did not quite match your expectation and would like to briefly explain about us. RivaReno is the humble end result of its century old inheritance, its hand crafted artisanal gelato and its natural and organic ingredients, and therefore we only hope that our consumers appreciate the considerable effort that we are making but most importantly enjoy the best and most delicious products possible in a cosy and comfortable environment, all according to the great Italian tradition of which we are so proud. We produce true Italian gelato from fresh ingredients which contains 30-40% less sugar than traditional ice-cream or industrial premixes which most other gelato makers use. At RivaReno we are focused on consistency and using only the finest and freshest ingredients. Most ingredients are organic and many imported and thus price wise it is difficult to compare with industrial powdered premixes that most gelato producers use. Milk is THE essential ingredients in gelato and RivaReno uses the best milk from cows that have been grazing in the European Alps. Follow us at @rivarenobali to check out our daily specials! Hope to see you soon again. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali Team
Ditulis pada 8 Juli 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

2 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Mei 2019 • solo
Pokoknya the best lah, Gelatonya bener bener enak banget, tastenya gak usah di ragukan, Recomen bgt yg pistachio... Kopinya juga enak, Untuk keramahan staf tolong di jaga yaa, sudah sangat Bagus pelayanan'a cuma perlu di tingkatkan lagi....
Ditulis pada 5 Mei 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Syena, grazie mille for your review and rating. We are delighted to know you loved our gelato especially the pistachio. As over the last years RivaReno has been chosen as Italy’s best gelato and produces gelato according to the almost 100 year old Italian artisanal tradition! Our staff are a very important part of us and we will make sure to pass on your feedback as we regularly and thoroughly review all of our guest feedback. Our business would not be here if not for people like yourself, and we would therefore like to extend our gratitude to you for taking the time to review us. Hope to welcome you back soon. Warm greetings, RivaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 6 Mei 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Semarang43 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2019 • friends
One of the best gelato i've ever tried, pertama kali tahu karna liat postingan salah satu food blogger di social media. Kebetulan juga saya sedang berada di Bali saat itu, lalu saya langsung mengajak teman saya untuk ke Rivareno. Siang itu suasana cukup rame setelah memesan gelato kami harus menunggu bbrp saat untuk mendapatkan tempat duduk. Saya memesan rasa pistachio dan cremino rivareno sedangkan teman saya memesan cremino dark dan cremino rivareno. Untuk soal rasa tidak perlu diragukan semua yg saya coba sangat cocok di lidah saya, manisnya pas tidak bikin eneg. Harganya juga affordable, bisa jadi salah satu destinasi untuk jajan gelato di Bali
Ditulis pada 15 April 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Anisa, grazie mille for your great review. We are so happy to know you had an amazing experience at RivaReno and enjoyed our signature flavours. Since we are in our soft launch phase we are very interested to hear how we can lift your experience to a 5-star level. We welcome and urge feedback from all of our guests so that we can better improve our services. In this opportunity, we would also like to let you know you that our opening hours are as follows: Mon-Fri : 9am-10pm, Sat-Sun : 9am-11pm. Have a beautiful day ahead and hope to welcome you back soon again. Warm greetings - Rivareno Bali team
Ditulis pada 17 April 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Jakarta1 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Feb 2019 • family
Pertama mencoba gelato rivareno karena biasanya selama ke bali selalu ke gelato yang super rame itu. Nah kalo ini ke rivareno karena rekomendasi dari teman... dan ini gelato bener2 enak bahan yang digunakan terbaik.tektur gelato tidak terlalu dingin ( fyi gelato yang real ngga bikin hidung ngilu ) selain itu pancake dan kopinya juga menggunakan bahan pilihan terbaik. Dan yang paling penting harganya todak terlalu mahal
Ditulis pada 8 Februari 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao, thank you for your lovely review! We are so happy you are appreciative of the quality of our artisanal Italian gelato which is crafted from world class ingredients from Italy such as Stura valley Alpine milk, pistachio and hazelnuts but also lemons from Umbria and marsala from Sicily. RivaReno gelato is crafted with the best Madagascar vanilla and the most premium Belgian chocolate. We never compromises on quality and we are very pleased to hear you find that well worth the extra cost. Through the window of our laboratorio you can see that we craft our gelato fresh every day. Our fruit sorbets are carefully crafted with freshly cut Balinese fruit to which only a little cane sugar and water are added. No powders or artificial ingredients. It is the purity and freshness of the fruit that gives it the distinct Rivareno intense and pure taste. True artisanal Italian gelato is never frozen, in fact ice cristals are a sign of inferiority that you will never find in our gelato. RivaReno gelato is around 4 degrees Celsius and does not numb your pallet so you have maximum flavour experience. Please let us know if you need more explanation about our award winning gelato next time you visit. See you soon, warm greetings RivaReno Bali team By the way, we have recently introduced an 88 point Ethiopian single estate coffee which since you like quality you should give it a try. It is these type of super premium products that we would like to share with guests like you.
Ditulis pada 11 Februari 2019
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Yiska Marsela
Purwokerto77 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2019 • family
Akhirnya nemu gelato di Bali yang rasanya super rich! Pistachio di mix sama dark choco nya is da bomb! Untuk harga memang agak relatif lebih mahal dibanding dengan gelato lainnya, namun sungguh WORTH TO TRY! 1 small cup harganya 50 rb dengan 2 rasa es yang bisa kamu pilih. Kami sampai balik 2 kali kesini untuk beli gelato dengan rasa lain yang ga kalah enaknya! SUPER RECOMMENDED!
Ditulis pada 31 Januari 2019
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Ciao Ykamar, thank you for your top rated review and for being such a great fan. You have a special place in our hearts! Hope to see you soon again, Arrivederci, RivaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 1 Februari 2019
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Putu Agus Purna... W
Canggu1551 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2019 • friends
Pertama kalinya coba ice cream disini, varian matcha sama coklat. Rasa matcha dan coklatnya sangat enak, tempatnya luas dan antriannya tidak terlalu ramai. Untuk rasa scores nya 8, tempatnya sangat nyaman, full ac, staffnya sangat baik dan ramah. Untuk harganya tidak terlalu mahal. Bisa jadi saran selain gusto gelato!
Ditulis pada 29 Januari 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao, grazie mille for being so appreciative of the unique RivaReno gelato flavours. The signature ingredients are from Italy and therefore our flavours are outstanding, even by Italian standards. Hope to welcome you back soon, ciao RivaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 31 Januari 2019
Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC.

Semarang19 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2019 • friends
Harga nya 50.000 2 scoops, rasa yang paling enak pistachio the besttt... canberry juga enak dan segar rasa buah. tapi terlalu mahal dan tempat tidak begitu terlihat dari jalan raya
Ditulis pada 22 Januari 2019
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ciao Caroline, grazie mille for your great rating! We are so happy you liked our artisanal pistachio gelato which is based on a traditional Italian recipe. Through the window of our laboratorio you can see that we craft our gelato fresh every day. It is simple, the combination of the best Alpine milk and Italian pistachio nuts, with some sugar and salt, give the velvety, intense and delicious flavour of RivaReno's signature pistachio gelato. From the early days when RivaReno was founded it was decided to never compromise on quality. Therefore RivaReno will always compete on quality and never on price. In case one is on a budget we would advise to follow RivaReno Bali on the social media since we have interesting periodical campaigns with discounts, with recently even a free gelato campaign! Today for example our soft opening discount in combination with our loyalty program can give you discounts up to 25%! Last but not least, very soon we also will introduce delicious artisanal gelato sticks that will be easier on your wallet. Arrivederci, the RIvaReno Bali team
Ditulis pada 26 Januari 2019
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