Shanghai Resort
Chek Village, Somrong Commune, Chantrea District, Bavet 20202 Kamboja
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rata-rata Rp 869.000 /malam, 2 /9 - 2 /10
Rp 902.000
per malam
Rp 877.000
per malam
Rp 852.000
per malam
9 Feb
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Menunjukkan harga rata-rata per malam terbaru yang dilaporkan oleh mitra kami, dan mungkin belum termasuk perkiraan pajak atau biaya. Harga saat pembayaran mungkin berbeda.
Lebih Murah
Lebih Mahal
No. 1 dari 1 hotel kecil di Bavet
Beri saran perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan tampilan kami.Sempurnakan daftar ini
Baik untuk diketahui
Penilaian bintang dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan tingkatan umum fitur, fasilitas, dan layanan yang ditawarkan. Properti ini diklasifikasikan menurut Giata.
Fasilitas properti
Parkir gratis
Internet Kecepatan Tinggi Gratis (Wi-Fi)
Pusat Kebugaran dengan Gym/Ruang Latihan
Kolam renang
Kasino dan Judi
Staf hiburan
Penitipan anak
Kolam renang dalam ruangan
Sarapan dalam kamar
Klub malam/DJ
Aktivitas Anak-Anak (Sesuai untuk Anak-Anak/Keluarga)
Klub anak-anak
Transportasi bandara
Layanan bus antar jemput
Ruang rapat
Khusus dewasa
Penyimpanan koper
Layanan concierge
Layanan penukaran uang
Hotel bebas rokok
Teras luar ruangan
Resepsionis yang siap melayani 24 jam
Check-in/check-out cepat
Check-in/check-out pribadi
Layanan cuci pakaian
Layanan setrika
Semir sepatu
Fitur ruangan
Kamar bebas alergi
Kamar kedap suara
Layanan kebersihan kamar
Layanan kamar
Lemari Besi
Fasilitas kamar VIP
Jenis kamar
Suite pengantin
Chek Village, Somrong Commune, Chantrea District, Bavet 20202 Kamboja
Ho Chi Minh City Airport
57.9 km•
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Pochentong Airport
157 km•
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Sewa Mobil
Peringkat dari wisatawan
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- 1
Bulan tertentu
Jenis wisatawan
Penyaring yang dipilih
- Saring
We had to stay in Bavet Cambodia to wait for our visas to be processed before entering Vietnam and unfortunately for us, we decided to stay in the Shanghai Resort.
It was the cheapest accommodation we could find in the area but it’s not worth the stay.
The ‘resort’ is 30 minutes away from the main town and it’s made up of Bungalows, a shopping mall (only containing a couple restaurants),a small mart, a swimming pool and some bars.
The staff at reception were nice but did not speak any English, despite their badges saying they spoke it. We had to communicate with google translate and it could take a significant amount of time to have your query solved.
A $20 dollar deposit is asked on check in and also your passport.
Firstly we were given a key to someone else’s room, we didn’t know until we walked in and saw them sleeping. We had to get a new room off reception. We then had to carry our two 20kg Backpacks and our rucksacks to the bungalow, but seen other guests get offered the electric shuttle bus to bring them to their bungalows and back to the main part of the resort.
When entering the room, we had to turn on the electricity ourselves.
The room was big and beds comfortable but we had many ants on the floor, in the bathroom and even found a few in the bed🤢 After having a shower, the water started bursting out of the pipes which wasn’t great trying to sleep with the sound of water running all night. There was also no wifi in the room, the phone did not work to call reception and the hairdryer only worked with certain sockets (not the bathroom ones)
We decided to eat in the shopping mall restaurants, I would advise to not bother doing this. The food was overpriced, the most we have paid for food in the whole of Cambodia and it was below average.
The chicken was all bone and cartilage, rice was stodgy and very unpleasant.
We sat in the restaurant for 30 minutes waiting for our two coca-colas and when my partner went up to ask, he was turned down, rudely shushed and told to return to his seat by Shanghai Restaurant Executive manager Loek Usa.
Our food came out and we still had to ask for our drinks and a shocked staff member had to fetch them for us and was asking the manager why we didn’t have our drinks yet.
When we went to pay after a displeasing meal, we were stunned when the Executive manger asked for a service charge ontop of our bill. We asked what service did he provide but he did not speak any English despite his badge saying otherwise.
The pool area is nice and quite big but you have to pay a fee of $2 pp to enter or it’s a $50 fine.
No where in the resort takes card payments and the nearest ATM is a 15 minute drive away so if you don’t have lots of cash or a motorbike you’re screwed.
I’d be lying if I said we weren’t excited to leave. We asked reception through google translate, the best way to get back into main town of Bavet. They said there’s a bus which is $3 each.
They hired an electric shuttle bus which we assumed was to drop us to the bus stop.
We where brought to the main gates to leave the resort and where stopped by security.
Security and our shuttle bus driver started taking photos of us and kept talking into his radio and we heard the words ‘Bungalow’. We were told to get out and he asked to search my partners bags but not mine? My partner asked why he was searching by google translate but he just smiled and laughed nervously. No one explained to us what was happening.
He took photos of the inside of my partners bag.
We were left feeling angry and confused at why we where being searched when we where given the all clear to go when we checked out at reception.
Given the fact that many locals were going in and out of the resort in bikes and cars without being looked at twice, we felt targeted.
I would certainly not recommend this ‘resort’ to anyone who is not a local.
It was the cheapest accommodation we could find in the area but it’s not worth the stay.
The ‘resort’ is 30 minutes away from the main town and it’s made up of Bungalows, a shopping mall (only containing a couple restaurants),a small mart, a swimming pool and some bars.
The staff at reception were nice but did not speak any English, despite their badges saying they spoke it. We had to communicate with google translate and it could take a significant amount of time to have your query solved.
A $20 dollar deposit is asked on check in and also your passport.
Firstly we were given a key to someone else’s room, we didn’t know until we walked in and saw them sleeping. We had to get a new room off reception. We then had to carry our two 20kg Backpacks and our rucksacks to the bungalow, but seen other guests get offered the electric shuttle bus to bring them to their bungalows and back to the main part of the resort.
When entering the room, we had to turn on the electricity ourselves.
The room was big and beds comfortable but we had many ants on the floor, in the bathroom and even found a few in the bed🤢 After having a shower, the water started bursting out of the pipes which wasn’t great trying to sleep with the sound of water running all night. There was also no wifi in the room, the phone did not work to call reception and the hairdryer only worked with certain sockets (not the bathroom ones)
We decided to eat in the shopping mall restaurants, I would advise to not bother doing this. The food was overpriced, the most we have paid for food in the whole of Cambodia and it was below average.
The chicken was all bone and cartilage, rice was stodgy and very unpleasant.
We sat in the restaurant for 30 minutes waiting for our two coca-colas and when my partner went up to ask, he was turned down, rudely shushed and told to return to his seat by Shanghai Restaurant Executive manager Loek Usa.
Our food came out and we still had to ask for our drinks and a shocked staff member had to fetch them for us and was asking the manager why we didn’t have our drinks yet.
When we went to pay after a displeasing meal, we were stunned when the Executive manger asked for a service charge ontop of our bill. We asked what service did he provide but he did not speak any English despite his badge saying otherwise.
The pool area is nice and quite big but you have to pay a fee of $2 pp to enter or it’s a $50 fine.
No where in the resort takes card payments and the nearest ATM is a 15 minute drive away so if you don’t have lots of cash or a motorbike you’re screwed.
I’d be lying if I said we weren’t excited to leave. We asked reception through google translate, the best way to get back into main town of Bavet. They said there’s a bus which is $3 each.
They hired an electric shuttle bus which we assumed was to drop us to the bus stop.
We where brought to the main gates to leave the resort and where stopped by security.
Security and our shuttle bus driver started taking photos of us and kept talking into his radio and we heard the words ‘Bungalow’. We were told to get out and he asked to search my partners bags but not mine? My partner asked why he was searching by google translate but he just smiled and laughed nervously. No one explained to us what was happening.
He took photos of the inside of my partners bag.
We were left feeling angry and confused at why we where being searched when we where given the all clear to go when we checked out at reception.
Given the fact that many locals were going in and out of the resort in bikes and cars without being looked at twice, we felt targeted.
I would certainly not recommend this ‘resort’ to anyone who is not a local.
Tanggal menginap: Maret 2024Jenis trip: Bepergian sebagai pasangan
Tips Kamar: Make sure to have lots of cash if you are unlucky enough to book here
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Sertakan foto wisata terbaik Anda
Beri tahu semua orang tentang pengalaman Anda di hotel ini dari sudut pandang Anda.
Dapatkan jawaban cepat
Ajukan pertanyaan utama Anda kepada sesama wisatawan dan staf hotel.
Rp 1.033.000 - Rp 1.049.000 (Berdasarkan Tarif Rata-Rata untuk Kamar Standard)
KambojaSvay Rieng ProvinceBavet
Harga adalah harga rata-rata per malam yang disediakan oleh mitra kami serta mungkin belum termasuk semua pajak dan biaya. Pajak dan biaya yang ditampilkan hanya merupakan perkiraan. Untuk selengkapnya, lihat di mitra kami.
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Anda pemilik atau pengelola properti ini? Klaim daftar Anda secara gratis untuk meninjau serta memperbarui profil, dan masih banyak lagi.
Klaim Daftar AndaSHANGHAI RESORT (Bavet, Kamboja) - Ulasan & Perbandingan Harga Hotel - Tripadvisor
Tanya Jawab tentang Shanghai Resort
Apa saja fasilitas properti yang tersedia di Shanghai Resort?
Beberapa fasilitas lebih populer yang ditawarkan antara lain kolam renang dalam ruangan, wi-fi gratis, dan restoran.
Apa saja pilihan makanan & minuman yang tersedia di Shanghai Resort?
Selama menginap, tamu dapat menikmati restoran dan lounge.
Apakah tersedia area parkir di Shanghai Resort?
Ya, parkir gratis tersedia untuk tamu.
Apakah ada tempat untuk berolahraga di Shanghai Resort?
Ya, selama menginap, tamu dapat menggunakan kolam renang dalam ruangan, pusat kebugaran, dan sauna.
Apakah Shanghai Resort menyediakan transportasi bandara?
Ya, Shanghai Resort menyediakan transportasi bandara untuk tamu. Sebaiknya, hubungi terlebih dahulu untuk mengonfirmasi rinciannya.
Ingin melihat tanya jawab lainnya?