The Moira Bed and Breakfast
21 Elvins Gdns, Belleville, Ontario K8P 2T2 Kanada
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No. 2 dari 3 guest house di Belleville
Kualitas Tidur
Beri saran perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan tampilan kami.Sempurnakan daftar ini
Baik untuk diketahui
21 Elvins Gdns, Belleville, Ontario K8P 2T2 Kanada
Disarankan menggunakan mobil
Tempat menginap dinilai berdasarkan skala 0-100. Semakin tinggi nilai, semakin mudah bagi wisatawan untuk menemukan restoran dan hal yang dapat dilakukan terdekat.
Nilai: 49 dari 100
Kingston Airport
62.2 km•
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Bandara Internasional Pearson
188.4 km•
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Penyaring yang dipilih
- Saring
I found the Moira B&B to be a great place to stay in Belleville. It was spotlessly clean and very comfortable. My bedroom was nicely decorated and the fresh lilacs were a great touch! The hosts are great: helpful but unobtrusive. And the cat was a sweetie although very shy, so she did not venture near the bedrooms at all.
The wireless internet worked very well.
There is no breakfast served during the week, which allowed me to get on my way in the morning. The price was adjusted accordingly. There are popular fast food places within a two minute drive.
This B&B is an excellent value for the very reasonable price.
Note that the bedrooms are on the second floor, so it may not be appropriate for those who have difficulty with stairs.
If I am in Belleville again overnight I will definitely stay at the Moira.
The wireless internet worked very well.
There is no breakfast served during the week, which allowed me to get on my way in the morning. The price was adjusted accordingly. There are popular fast food places within a two minute drive.
This B&B is an excellent value for the very reasonable price.
Note that the bedrooms are on the second floor, so it may not be appropriate for those who have difficulty with stairs.
If I am in Belleville again overnight I will definitely stay at the Moira.
Tanggal menginap: Mei 2010Jenis trip: Bepergian untuk bisnis
Kualitas Tidur
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Klaim Daftar AndaTHE MOIRA BED AND BREAKFAST (Belleville, Kanada) - Ulasan Guest house - Tripadvisor
Tanya Jawab tentang The Moira Bed and Breakfast
Apa saja objek wisata populer yang dekat dengan The Moira Bed and Breakfast?
Objek wisata terdekat antara lain Riverside Park (0,4 km), Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre (0,6 km), dan CAA Arena (0,4 km).
Apa saja restoran yang dekat dengan The Moira Bed and Breakfast?
Restoran dengan lokasi strategis antara lain Linguine's Italian Restaurant, Chilangos Mexican Restaurant, dan Eggsquis Belleville.
Apakah ada situs bersejarah yang dekat dengan The Moira Bed and Breakfast?
Banyak wisatawan yang senang mengunjungi Glanmore National Historic Site (2,1 km).
Ingin melihat tanya jawab lainnya?