The West Wing
16 Charlotte St, Belleville, Ontario K8P 1E2 Kanada
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No. 6 dari 7 B&B di Belleville
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16 Charlotte St, Belleville, Ontario K8P 1E2 Kanada
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I give this place a 3 1/2 stars out of five . The staff are friendly and helpfull . The room was big , clean and had nice view for not being on the water. It had a kitchenette , a separate bedroom with king bed , although I slept on the pullout couch which was not that comfortable , that's why I only gave sleep quality 3 out of 5 .
The room had a safe , good water pressure and a large balcony with furniture . The only thing some may not like about the balcony is that its very open with the neighbours and sometomes you can get talkers , so if you want complete privacy , you won't get it on the balcony...
We did have an issue with a friend not being allowed to come back up to our room after he checked out and went to his new hotel . They were nice about it but our friend felt very unwelcome after he stayed there . We were made to feel like we were manipulating the system and we were not . We were all inclusive and our friend paid for his one meal there after he checked out but again they made us feel like we were breaking the rules... What this did was make us go elsewhere for some of our meals . The food there was adequate but nothing to write home about so we ate out at some of the nicer restaurants in town ... Also with the all inclusive plan , we arrived at night and left at night but we were not allowed to have lunch there the last day ... so again we decided to spend our money elsewhere , yet if they had let us eat there still atleast the waiters would have made some money off of us as we were pretty good tippers throughout the week. I don't see anyone winning with some of their policies ... Perhaps the system has been abused over the years by some patrons I don't know , it usually just takes one bad egg to spoil it for others...
Having said all that , we still enjoyed the hotel enough to return to it perhaps ...we have no plans to but if it happened to turn out that way we would be fine with that ...
The location was great for us , the price was right , the staff friendly, it was clean and safe and we used a little something at all three hotels that belong to them ... the roof top pool at one , the restaurant at the other and our room at the suites... oh speaking of rooftop pool... we were there and asked if we would like a drink from the bar and the waiter never came back ... but for the most part the sevice was very good...
The room had a safe , good water pressure and a large balcony with furniture . The only thing some may not like about the balcony is that its very open with the neighbours and sometomes you can get talkers , so if you want complete privacy , you won't get it on the balcony...
We did have an issue with a friend not being allowed to come back up to our room after he checked out and went to his new hotel . They were nice about it but our friend felt very unwelcome after he stayed there . We were made to feel like we were manipulating the system and we were not . We were all inclusive and our friend paid for his one meal there after he checked out but again they made us feel like we were breaking the rules... What this did was make us go elsewhere for some of our meals . The food there was adequate but nothing to write home about so we ate out at some of the nicer restaurants in town ... Also with the all inclusive plan , we arrived at night and left at night but we were not allowed to have lunch there the last day ... so again we decided to spend our money elsewhere , yet if they had let us eat there still atleast the waiters would have made some money off of us as we were pretty good tippers throughout the week. I don't see anyone winning with some of their policies ... Perhaps the system has been abused over the years by some patrons I don't know , it usually just takes one bad egg to spoil it for others...
Having said all that , we still enjoyed the hotel enough to return to it perhaps ...we have no plans to but if it happened to turn out that way we would be fine with that ...
The location was great for us , the price was right , the staff friendly, it was clean and safe and we used a little something at all three hotels that belong to them ... the roof top pool at one , the restaurant at the other and our room at the suites... oh speaking of rooftop pool... we were there and asked if we would like a drink from the bar and the waiter never came back ... but for the most part the sevice was very good...
Tanggal menginap: Januari 2010Jenis trip: Bepergian dengan teman
Kualitas Tidur
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
I stayed at the West Wing with family members (4 adults) for one night. It was our first experience ever at a B&B and we were not disappointed. The owners are very nice, the house, the rooms and the bathroom are clean and the location is great (close to downtown), although you need a car at all time when travelling to Belleville. Glady and Wally are perfect hosts and helped us with directions and things to see in the Belleville/Prince Edward County area. Breakfast was very good and the prices are very reasonable.
On the downside, the room with the double bed is quite small (just enough room for the furniture). Also, be ready to share the bathroom, as there is only one in the entire house. And if you're allergic to cats, this place is a big no-no. Although the cats do not go in the bedrooms, they still can be a nuisance for allergic people.
But all in all, a great place that I would surely recommend to friends and would not be afraid of going back.
On the downside, the room with the double bed is quite small (just enough room for the furniture). Also, be ready to share the bathroom, as there is only one in the entire house. And if you're allergic to cats, this place is a big no-no. Although the cats do not go in the bedrooms, they still can be a nuisance for allergic people.
But all in all, a great place that I would surely recommend to friends and would not be afraid of going back.
Tanggal menginap: Juli 2009Jenis trip: Bepergian dengan keluarga
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
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Klaim Daftar AndaTHE WEST WING (Belleville, Kanada) - Ulasan B&B - Tripadvisor
Tanya Jawab tentang The West Wing
Apa saja objek wisata populer yang dekat dengan The West Wing?
Objek wisata terdekat antara lain The Empire Theatre (0,9 km), Zwick Centennial Park (0,5 km), dan Reiki On Wheels Natural Products & Gifts (0,7 km).
Apa saja restoran yang dekat dengan The West Wing?
Restoran dengan lokasi strategis antara lain Burger Revolution, The Boathouse Seafood Restaurant, dan Bourbon Street Pizza Co..
Apakah The West Wing berlokasi dekat dengan pusat kota?
Ya, jaraknya 1,0 km dari pusat Belleville.
Apakah ada situs bersejarah yang dekat dengan The West Wing?
Banyak wisatawan yang senang mengunjungi Glanmore National Historic Site (2,0 km).