Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery Hutt
Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery Hutt
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St. Petersburg, FL1.026 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jan 2015 • Sendiri
On the edge of the Hut Point Peninsula on Ross Island, Antarctica, one mile from the McMurdo Science Station is Discovery Hut, built by Captain Scott during his first Antarctic expedition. It is one of three huts on the island, the second at Cape Evans, and Shakleton's Hut on Cape Royd's. For the past two years it has been under renovation but as of 2015 it is now open for tours.

Inside the hut, are boxes of food, supplies, and living items needed during the first trek. A cross was placed on the point dedicated to a member of Scott's party that was killed. The Hut's on Ross Island are thirty miles from the mainland, and the McMurdo Sound freezes over after the summer, so crossing it is easier, and it is a direct shot to the South Pole. I highly recommend seeing this if you ever visit Ross Island.
Ditulis pada 17 Februari 2015
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Robert Falcon Scott's Discovery Hutt (Antarctic Peninsula, Antartika) - Review - Tripadvisor

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