Mokuaikaua Hawaii's 1st Christian Church
Mokuaikaua Hawaii's 1st Christian Church
Mokuaikaua Hawaii's 1st Christian Church
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Thomas K
Arlington, TX51 kontribusi
Sep 2023 • Pasangan
This street was having an open market. We'd been out all day exploring and returned to find the street shutdown to vehicles and lots of pop-up stores to shop. So, we strolled it and came upon this church. Didn't go inside. Can't claim to know anything about it. But it has a great presence on the street.
Ditulis pada 3 Oktober 2023
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Omer, MI7 kontribusi
Feb 2023
We checked out the church grounds during the week. Very interesting and educational. It is amazing that they still have mass every Sunday. I had went to St Michael's on Sunday which was a beautiful church and sermon. Highly recommend.
Ditulis pada 5 Februari 2023
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Yorkshire, UK8.486 kontribusi
Sep 2022
The Mokuaikaua church is the oldest Christian church in the Hawaiian Islands, the original wooden church was destroyed by fire, the current stone structure was completed in 1827. Wonderful knowledgeable chap was in the grounds who told us all about the history of the place, great visit
Ditulis pada 19 November 2022
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Cindy J
4 kontribusi
Okt 2022
What a joy it was to attend a church full of the Spirit and scripture driven. We never know when we travel what Church God will lead us to and we were so blessed to worship with this church family.
Ditulis pada 8 November 2022
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Aimee F
Edwardsville, IL1.269 kontribusi
Jun 2022
Beautiful historic church. We didn't do a tour or go inside, but this is one of the neat historic places to stop at along Ali'i drive.
Ditulis pada 3 Juli 2022
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Virginia46.380 kontribusi
Apr 2022
The first 14 missionaries to arrive here were from Boston. After 164 days on the sailboat Thaddeus, they arrived in Kona. Since the new king Kamehameha II had abolished rules known as kapu and ordered temples to be destroyed, the missionaries found the ancient Hawaiians very receptive to Christian tenets. Construction of this first Christian church on the island was started in 1820 and completed in 1837. The original church was constructed with O’hia wood and had a thatched roof. After the church was destroyed by fire, the present structure was built using the stones from demolished temples, and coral. The church was named Mokuaikaua. Translated it means ‘the trees are cut, let us eat’ or ‘the land the devours warfare’. If you arrive in Kona via cruise ship tender, one of the first things you will see is the steeple of the church. The church is located across from the royal palace. Be sure to walk the grounds and see the sculpture of “Jesus Healing the Blind Man”. There is also a small, fenced-in graveyard. The archway to the church was constructed to celebrate its 90th anniversary. If you arrive in Kona via cruise ship tender, one of the first things you will see is the steeple of the church.
Ditulis pada 14 Juni 2022
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104 kontribusi
Jan 2021
Great, very old church in HI. Inside closed for repairs. But a beautiful site. Nice old cemetery enclosed with a fence. Some wonderful trees. Looking forward to seeing the inside when they are complete.
Ditulis pada 24 Januari 2021
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Linda C
Moorpark, CA1.039 kontribusi
Jan 2020
If you arrive in Kona on a cruise ship, you'll see this landmark and reflect on the fact that the ship Thaddeus sailed from Boston on a journey that took 164 days, carrying the first missionaries to the area, making it the first church in Kona. Hulihee Palace (summer home of the Hawaiian Royals) is across the street and also worth a visit. When you exit the tender, head for the steeple. Very easy walk.
Ditulis pada 24 Agustus 2020
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Portland, Oregon, USA52 kontribusi
Feb 2020
Interesting place. Building is built of lava, coral, and native wood. Great place to see history and learn more about the settlement of the island.
Ditulis pada 5 Maret 2020
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Cindy H
Alameda, CA1.515 kontribusi
Feb 2020
What a interesting and historical church to see as you walk along Ali'i Drive. Be sure to stop and take a look as the bare essentials give it such a other worldly feel. You will not be disappointed.
Ditulis pada 29 Februari 2020
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Jody R
Savannah, Georgia
Are you able to go to church on Sunday? What are the hours of service?
Ditulis pada 10 Mei 2015
Yes, 2 services on Sunday...9 AM and 11 AM. The 11 AM is more traditional with even 1 or 2 hymns sung by the small choir in the Hawaiian language. Enjoyed the music, the message and the warm welcome from the regular attendees.
Ditulis pada 11 Mei 2015
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