Poo Poo Point - Chirico Trail

Poo Poo Point - Chirico Trail

Poo Poo Point - Chirico Trail
Area Wisata Alam& Taman MargasatwaJalur Lintas Alam
Durasi: 2-3 jam
Memenuhi pedoman kesejahteraan hewan
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4,5 dari 5 lingkaran64 ulasan
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Upali Samarakoon
Everett, WA730 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Agu 2024 • Pasangan
We began our hike at the trailhead near Issaquah High School. Despite it being only 6:45 AM, a few cars were already in the small parking lot. We met some hikers who had parked at the high school instead. The trail was in good condition, with a gradual incline. By this late stage of summer, most of the streams had dried up. Several connecting trails intersect with the Poo Poo Point trail, but clear signage helps prevent confusion. At the summit of Poo Poo Point, there's a spacious area with two picnic tables and restrooms. The view from the top is stunning, offering clear sights of Lake Sammamish and Bellevue. Although the paragliders weren’t active during our early morning visit, it was a fantastic hike that I highly recommend.
Ditulis pada 16 Agustus 2024
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Carolyn M
Hayward, WI4 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2024 • Keluarga
Beautiful trail, moderately difficult, with views of Seattle and Mount Ranier at the top. Took us 2 hours up and 1 hour down.
Ditulis pada 31 Juli 2024
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Courtney J
Portland, OR18 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2024 • Teman
Great location hiking trail in Tiger Mountain State Park only 30 min drive east of Seattle. My other hiking half and i were on Seattle for an extended memorial day weekend and wanted to go on a half dayish hike. Approx 4.5 miles in and out. Near Issaquah for good options for post hike recovery. Try Tipsy Cow for awesome selection pf beers and burgers.
Ditulis pada 2 Juni 2024
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Seattle, WA4 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Mar 2022 • Teman
Today the weather was nice, instead of expecting rain. I could not see Mt.Rainier but could see Seattle. Also parachutes…
Ditulis pada 13 Maret 2022
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Troy, MI58 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Okt 2020 • Keluarga
In Seattle, WA for the long weekend and wanted to do some hiking. Trail was beautiful and on the moderate side of degree of difficulty! Was a good workout and pretty views. Plan on spending 3 hours.
Ditulis pada 25 Oktober 2020
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Saint Louis, MO40 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Agu 2020
My wife and I went on this arduous hike this morning. It took us 1 hour and 20 minutes to get to the top, plus an extra 7 minutes to make it to the launch pads. Gorgeous day, no clouds in the sky. It was real fun watching paragliders taking off.Now we are resting our weary bones by the pool of the amazing Airb&b we are staying at. I recommend future hikers to take water and a snack (we forgot the snacks) to make your excursion more enjoyable.
Ditulis pada 4 Agustus 2020
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.

Seattle, WA399 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2019 • Sendiri
Short but steep trail. First half is mostly rock steps then a winding path up to the top. View is amazing on a clear day. Some days you can watch hang gliders take off and float off the ridge.
Ditulis pada 19 Juli 2019
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Issaquah, WA28 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2019 • Keluarga
But for a reason .... Lived on this mountain 20+ years and in that time have hiked to Poo Poo more times than I can remember. It has become extremely popular / crowded ... but for good reasons. Managable length (60-90 mins depending on how hard you press) good workout (you'll feel like you did your gym time that day) and rewarded with great views at the top. Don't forget there are "two tops" that both serve as launching areas for the paragliders. Go the extra short distance to the second top ... much better views and places to sit and enjoy, (plus an outhouse!)
Ditulis pada 17 Juni 2019
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Chicago, IL40 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2019 • Pasangan
Highly recommend taking the High School Trail uphill and the Chirico Trail downhill on the way down - both will get you to the same gorgeous views at the top of the point, but the Chirico trail is much shorter, steeper, and more heavily traveled. It’s easy to get caught in a bottleneck of different groups, their litter, their unleashed dogs, and the echoes of their loud complaints reverberating through the majesty of nature.

If you want to take the more scenic of two scenic routes, the High School Trail is nearly deserted, had not one scrap of garbage on it, and looks like something out of Skyrim with slightly fewer dragons.

Bathrooms at the top, limited parking at the bottom, ample picnic areas, jaw-dropping panoramas.
Ditulis pada 9 Juni 2019
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Phoenix, AZ137 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2018 • Pasangan
amazing views and fun to watch the paragliders...great to sit at the top and see Mt Rainier in full view.
Ditulis pada 7 Mei 2019
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Poo Poo Point - Chirico Trail (Issaquah, WA) - Review - Tripadvisor

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