Las Carcavas
Las Carcavas
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
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Madrid, Spanyol189 kontribusi
Apr 2024 • Pasangan
Although the site is a wonder of nature, I think it is very poorly signposted.
We went to Ponton de la Oliva, next to the dam there is a small parking lot that because I went during the week I was able to park there, but I suppose that on a weekend it would be full. They told us that there is an easy path and a more complicated one, well we took the crazy one, going up a mountainside that looked like goats, just to go up and not see anything, you have to continue walking another long way. I think they should sign it better.
I'll stick with the Barrancas de Burujon
We went to Ponton de la Oliva, next to the dam there is a small parking lot that because I went during the week I was able to park there, but I suppose that on a weekend it would be full. They told us that there is an easy path and a more complicated one, well we took the crazy one, going up a mountainside that looked like goats, just to go up and not see anything, you have to continue walking another long way. I think they should sign it better.
I'll stick with the Barrancas de Burujon
Ditulis pada 12 Mei 2024
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