La Spiaggia Malu 90 93
La Spiaggia Malu 90 93
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253 dalam 10 km
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Veronika Č
17 kontribusi
Mei 2016 • Keluarga
We got good price in May... 15e for 3 sunbeds and one umbrella. Very nice and helpful staff.There is beautiful swimming pool too. It is worth visiting.
Ditulis pada 26 Mei 2016
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Europe86 kontribusi
Jul 2015 • Keluarga
We stayed for 3 days on Malu beach (€53) and really liked it. The establishment was modern, great, though over crowded pool, clean toilets and a fantastic beach! Would go back and would recommend!
Ditulis pada 21 Juli 2015
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Ravensburg, Jerman69 kontribusi
Jul 2015 • Pasangan
This beach zone has very new and modern facilities, nearly everthing there, that is maybe needed for beach holiday (gym, pool, showers, toilets, restaurant, play park etc.).
Very friendly staff, very clean beach.
Very friendly staff, very clean beach.
Ditulis pada 21 Juli 2015
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Bexhill-on-Sea, UK37 kontribusi
Jul 2014 • Pasangan
Very safe for children being a sheltered bay with life guards.Very sandy with sun beds and umbrellas. Toilet,shower,games and restaurants on site. Downside expensive
Ditulis pada 18 Juli 2014
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Adriana L
Province of Milan, Italia33 kontribusi
Sep 2024 • Pasangan
an indescribable beach.... huge first row worthy of note
many services at hand .... clean bathrooms despite the large influx of people.... fantastic private cabin for space and cleanliness... umbrellas and new beds neatly ordered.... well-kept beach and equipped with various baskets and bins.... competent staff and attentive to needs... impeccable rescue service and always alert both on the beach column and on skates at sea
very helpful cordial..... in my case they scaled the days of non-use of the establishment due to bad weather.... and it is not for everyone... prices appropriate to the season given the importance of the structure
what about great experience to relive definitely..... only negative note are the sunbeds too close to the sea that limit the walk on the shoreline and also the games of adults and children making coexistence a bit problematic..... you risk ballooned unwanted games of sand ping pong fly and people walking on top of you..... just really eliminate a row and everything would be resolved
too bad for the breaking waves that make the sea not clean and without water recycling causing a bit of foam on the surface and algae plantations that definitely do not give the desire to dive
overall however all positive and to return for the top in cleaning spaces and staff
Good continuation to all.... to next summer
many services at hand .... clean bathrooms despite the large influx of people.... fantastic private cabin for space and cleanliness... umbrellas and new beds neatly ordered.... well-kept beach and equipped with various baskets and bins.... competent staff and attentive to needs... impeccable rescue service and always alert both on the beach column and on skates at sea
very helpful cordial..... in my case they scaled the days of non-use of the establishment due to bad weather.... and it is not for everyone... prices appropriate to the season given the importance of the structure
what about great experience to relive definitely..... only negative note are the sunbeds too close to the sea that limit the walk on the shoreline and also the games of adults and children making coexistence a bit problematic..... you risk ballooned unwanted games of sand ping pong fly and people walking on top of you..... just really eliminate a row and everything would be resolved
too bad for the breaking waves that make the sea not clean and without water recycling causing a bit of foam on the surface and algae plantations that definitely do not give the desire to dive
overall however all positive and to return for the top in cleaning spaces and staff
Good continuation to all.... to next summer
Ditulis pada 21 September 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Roberta C
4 kontribusi
Sep 2024 • Keluarga
A beach that really offers all the services a family needs. They offer a playground for children, a facility where my children played 80% of the holiday. Spotless beach, with bathrooms, shower also available hot, swimming pool with different height levels suitable for children, gym .. really has it all. Very kind staff and absolutely positive experience. I would definitely recommend this beach. I was forgetting to mention animation with baby dance and activities for children as well as adults.
To try
To try
Ditulis pada 7 September 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
16 kontribusi
Sep 2024 • Keluarga
Well equipped beach with everything you need and especially for children beautiful playground, large pool (although it could be heated because when there are days without sun it is a bit cold), friendly staff!
Ditulis pada 7 September 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
25 kontribusi
Agu 2024 • Keluarga
Nothing to do, everything new, but not even soap in the bathrooms. Ladies grumpy and prices different from those provided by the hotel. Surely the hospitality of the Riviera is not breathable here. Much confusion and unlike other bathrooms where they even give you a snack, here you pay for hot showers. Not to mention unprofessional entertainment and minimal experience, there is a gym but not all the tools work or Anyway accessories for lultilizzo of the same are missing. Definitely not going back.
Ditulis pada 18 Agustus 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Il Mangionefelice
Province of Como, Italia77 kontribusi
Agu 2024 • Keluarga
Structure all new and just redone, there are shortcomings to report for example the light in the bathroom or soap
Unfortunately the gentleman at the reception who introduces himself as the owner turned out to be unprofessional because of the reservations made several months before and left to chance without attention about the chosen row, nothing to say to the guys always vigilant and helpful
Overall the spaces are overcrowded and in the pool you are all attached
Too much confusion compared to nearby bathrooms
Unfortunately the gentleman at the reception who introduces himself as the owner turned out to be unprofessional because of the reservations made several months before and left to chance without attention about the chosen row, nothing to say to the guys always vigilant and helpful
Overall the spaces are overcrowded and in the pool you are all attached
Too much confusion compared to nearby bathrooms
Ditulis pada 17 Agustus 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
4 kontribusi
Agu 2024 • Keluarga
Very nice bathroom, large pool and especially the space x dogs.
Negative note are: the closing of the pool at 12 x do acquagim (do it during the year at home or go to the beach) sending the children away when, especially this year the sea is very dirty and the fact that there is no one on the beach x book pedal boats.
Negative note are: the closing of the pool at 12 x do acquagim (do it during the year at home or go to the beach) sending the children away when, especially this year the sea is very dirty and the fact that there is no one on the beach x book pedal boats.
Ditulis pada 14 Agustus 2024
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
In questa spiaggia sono accettati cani di media e grande taglia? Possono fare il bagno?
Ditulis pada 11 Mei 2021
Nel 2019 € 2,50 a persona.A volte se ci sono bambini piccoli piccoli non fanno pagare ma è a discrezione del titolare dello stabilimento.
Ditulis pada 31 Januari 2020
Non mi sembra, ma l’acqua è potabile da ogni rubinetto.
Ditulis pada 6 Agustus 2019
C'è un baby club Dedicato ai più piccoli 3-5 anni distinto da Junior Club per i più grandini?
L'animazione per i piccoli (o per tutti se non c'è distinzione) avviene in zone recintate e/o ombreggiate?
Ditulis pada 28 Maret 2019
Si e suddiviso per attività per i più grandi per lo meno l'anno scorso. Una zona è recintata e un parte ombreggiata però non sono baby sitter ma con animazione, quindi ai bimbi va comunque dato un occhio. Hanno una piscina anche per i bimbi piccoli dove posso anche gattonare. Lo consiglio.
Ditulis pada 28 Maret 2019
Burkardroth, Jerman
Hallo, gibt es in der Nähe des Strandes Parkmöglichkeiten für ein Auto? Muss man sich mit Hund vorher anmelden oder kann man einfach kommen und buchen.
Mit freundl. Gruß
A. H.
Ditulis pada 15 September 2018
Il n'y a pas de parking ä proximité de la plage mais à l'entrée de la ville il existe de grands parking à la journée ou à la semaine. Pour les chiens, je suis désolé mais je n'ai pas d'informations.
Ditulis pada 2 November 2018
Fino alla stagione precedente avevano creato una zona (gli ultimi ombrelloni) attrezzati proprio per chi ha cani. Sono zone recintate in cui offrono da bere e servizi per il cane in cui si possono mettere lettini.
Ditulis pada 28 April 2018
Quanto costa una settimana dal 9/06/18al 16/06/18 un ombrellone e due lettini
Ditulis pada 27 Januari 2018
Per noi si è arrangiato direttamente l'hotel,noi abbiamo solo scelto il posto
Ditulis pada 2 April 2018
Sinceramente c'era anche troppa animazione per i bambini da quello che ho visto e meno per i giovani.
Ditulis pada 13 Januari 2018
In questa spiaggia i bambini possono giocare a calcio?
Ditulis pada 10 Januari 2018
i sicuramente perché la struttura ha un campetto recintato da calcio.
Ditulis pada 11 Januari 2018
Buongiorno, l'hotel è Antares che io sappia è convezionato con i bagni Malú. Non se ci sono altre convenzioni con altri hotel.
Noi siamo stati al Confort gestito dalla stessa famiglia Ricci e il bagno era il 99.
Ditulis pada 19 Juli 2017
Menampilkan 1-10 dari 16 hasil
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