Museo Sannitico

Museo Sannitico

08:15 - 19:15
08:15 - 19:15
08:15 - 19:15
08:15 - 19:15
08:15 - 19:15
08:15 - 19:15
Durasi: 1-2 jam
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Marguerethe J
Columbus, OH17 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Agu 2024 • Pasangan
Fabulous. Went on a recommendation from a local restaurant owner and it was well worth the trip. Learned a lot about the history of Molise. Well designed and the English translations of the artifacts were superb. So glad we went. The staff offered a nearby lunch recommendation that was wonderful as well. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Ditulis pada 6 Agustus 2024
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Chesterfield, UK78 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2022
A great museum that is open all day! We happened to be there on the first Sunday of June and it was free entry, not sure if this applies to the first Sunday of every month or not! But even if you do have to pay it is only 4 Euros each which was a bargain! There was lots to see and the information is in English and Italian. A wonderful museum that is worth seeking out because it is not clearly signposted or advertised anywhere!
Ditulis pada 9 Juni 2022
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Roma, Italia226 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Agu 2021
we were there for an exhibition of Longobards, yet there were three floors to explore and the long local history with much more to see.
Exposition is definitely good, with lots of pieces shown and explaining how and why they were used, from kithen tools to weaving instruments.
Ticket is cheap, and the place is more than worthy.
Ditulis pada 8 Agustus 2021
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gainesville florida21 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Nov 2018 • Teman
I have been to this museum a few times in recent years while visiting nearby Ferrazzano. It is wonderfully setup, with explanations of displays in English as well as Italian. It seems to be relatively unknown, as each time I have been there (with my wife or with friends from nearby Ferrazzano) we have been nearly the only visitors. This is a shame, as the history of the Samnites is interesting, and there is enough to see in the museum to warrant multiple visits. Congratulations to the curators for the outstanding job you have done!
Ditulis pada 21 Desember 2018
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San Francisco, CA39 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Sep 2016 • Pasangan
This museum has a solid collection of artifacts from the Samnites, including a couple of actual skeletons (!). A decent amount of signs to read in Italian and English, but not overwhelming. I recommend going there before heading to the ruins at Pietrabbondante
Ditulis pada 18 September 2016
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Fred F
Buenos Aires, Argentina101 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2016 • Sendiri
A museum should teach you about a topic and you should leave feeling you learned something new. This one does it, specially as I imagine most visitors will have, like myself, never before heard of the Sannites. In a smimple, self adminsitered visit, without flashy displays or rolling out big bucks, this honest and well thought museum does tell you the history of these people! Bravo!
Ditulis pada 23 Juli 2016
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633 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Nov 2015 • Teman
This is an informative, well organized and above all interesting small museum on a hidden pedestrian side street in Campobasso. The exhibits almost all have detailed and clear English explanations describing the relevance of the artifacts. There is no entry fee. The museum occupies a large 3 story villa and is very bright, airy and open. It focuses mostly on the story of the Samnites through displays of many 2000+ year old artifacts found in the province. Well done. Worth a visit if you are nearby.
Ditulis pada 26 November 2015
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Roma, Italia113 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Sep 2024 • Pasangan
I visited the Museum on the first Sunday of the month taking advantage of free admission. Very interesting and well maintained museum, friendly staff. I recommend the visit.
Ditulis pada 4 Desember 2024
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Roby e Lucy da Sant'Anastasia (Na)
Sant'Anastasia, Italia7.310 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Nov 2024 • Pasangan
The Museum was founded in 1881 and is housed, together with the Provincial Library, in the Prefectural Palace. A first cataloguing of the material is provided by the archaeologist Antonio Sogliano who published the Inventory in 1889. Since then, the Museum and the Library have known alternate events and multiple changes of location until 1995, when the Museum was set up in the premises of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Mazzarotta. On the ground floor the Bronze Age, the First Iron Age and the Iron Age amber jewels. On the first floor are the Samnites, their shrines, their trades, their tombs: a rich collection of votive statues of Hercules, terracotta ornaments from the shrines and some votive treasures are worth mentioning. On the second floor the Romanization of the Sannio, with materials also from the Roman city of Sepino: of particular interest are the marble sculptures and many small objects of daily life. Also on the second floor the high Middle Ages represented by the rich tombs of Bulgarian knights found in the Plain of Bojano, follows in
appendix a short section with low medieval materials, especially ceramics. The cost of the ticket at 01-11-24 is 6 euro adults and € 2 reduced and you enter from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 to 18:30, Tel. 0874-412265.
Hello from Roby and Lucy from Sant'Anastasia (Na)
Ditulis pada 7 November 2024
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Riccardo T
Pescara, Italia283 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Okt 2024 • Pasangan
visit not to be missed....... in an hour you immerse yourself in the history of an Italic people with finds of absolute archaeological value....... well-organized museum and jewel of excellent historical value.
Ditulis pada 21 Oktober 2024
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