Tyendinaga Cavern and Caves
Tyendinaga Cavern and Caves
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Jaclyn A
Kingston, Kanada74 kontribusi
Apr 2022 • Teman
This single room cave was very neat to wander around. It's a guided tour (though there is no way you could ever get lost) there is a Crack or two that goes deeper but was advised to not venture in. Not the most exciting cave I've been in but one of the best in the general area since hell holes is closed permanently now
Ditulis pada 22 Maret 2023
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Jeff B
Lambton Shores, Kanada452 kontribusi
Agu 2022 • Pasangan
Great spot to stop. The tour guide was very knowledgable. The cave was much larger than I had expected but has been set up with flat floors to make it easy to get through. It was well worth the stop.
Ditulis pada 13 Agustus 2022
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Ottawa, On71 kontribusi
Jul 2022
Interesting natural cave for a local place. Staff/owners are pleasant and knowledgeable. The biggest attraction is the cavern itself, otherwise you are looking at sunken rock areas outside. Cavern is cool, very refreshing in the summer heat. And it's lighted, with stair railings, making for a safe visit.
Ditulis pada 1 Agustus 2022
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Kanada21 kontribusi
Sep 2021 • Teman
If you’ve ever seen caves anywhere else, this isn’t spectacular. It is small and the formations aren’t mature. I felt the price was a bit steep for what you see, however, if you have young children who have never seen a cave, this may be a fun outing?
Ditulis pada 19 September 2021
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Peterborough, Kanada1.183 kontribusi
Agu 2021 • Keluarga
Having been to a cave tour in the Uniter States, this one felt very small. There are other caves on the property, but they are not open to the public, which was a little disappointing. Having said this, our tour guide was fantastic. She answered questions with ease and was quite knowledgeable and friendly. Our children, who had never been on a cave excursion before, really enjoyed the experience. It was nice and cool inside the cave, which was great considering it was a warm day. There were some interesting historical details shared that I would have loved to hear more about. It wasn’t a long tour, but I think it was worth the money. It was a nice family outing.
Ditulis pada 5 September 2021
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Toronto, Kanada101 kontribusi
Agu 2021 • Keluarga
Really enjoyed this experience and so did my young daughter. We had purchased some flashlights before the tour (not that they are needed) and she was so excited and a bit nervous before we began. Once in the cave, both of us were in awe of its age and preservation. A great experience!
Ditulis pada 1 September 2021
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Montreal, Kanada70 kontribusi
Jul 2021
You do learn a bit about the geology of the area and how the cave was formed, however the cave itself is not that spectacular where caves are concerned. But I guess for Ontario it is a big cave. You do get to examine fossils. Unfortunately, the cave you walk down into does not have alot of natural stalactites and stalagmites since it has not been protected for that many years. The stalactites you see are less than an inch long. It would be a nice little excursion with yonger kids - and definitely nice and cool down there on a crazy hot day!
Ditulis pada 28 Agustus 2021
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Denise J
Ottawa, Kanada32 kontribusi
Agu 2021 • Keluarga
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Our young guide knew an incredible amount about the caves and the area and our six year old grandson was thrilled with the entire experience. The operation is very professional without being at all touristy. There are no gift shops selling tacky cave souvenirs and no snack bar; however, there is a lovely, clean covered picnic area, which allows visitors to enjoy a picnic following the tour. As far as COVID, they have all safety protocols in place taking only small groups down into the cave, requesting that guests socially distance and wear masks in the cave. The caves are not very large so personally, we were happy to see that the young tour guide was not too shy to ask one group (repeatedly) to pull up their masks. All-in-all, we felt it was money well spent and highly recommend, particularly for families with younger kids who are interested in fossils, caves, etc.
Ditulis pada 15 Agustus 2021
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D Matthew Towns
Quinte West, Kanada12 kontribusi
Jul 2021 • Keluarga
Such a cool spot. So much work has been done to make the cave easily accessible. Staff were knowledgeable and the kettle gift shop had the cutest jewelry that my daughters had to have.
Ditulis pada 27 Juli 2021
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Belleville, Kanada1 kontribusi
Jul 2021 • Keluarga
Visited quite a while ago now. It’s the only cave I’ve ever really been in so it was a cool experience for me. Definitely a good place to go with kids.
Ditulis pada 15 Juli 2021
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Would this tour be appropriate for a 4 year old? Would it keep their interest?
Ditulis pada 18 Agustus 2024
Hi, all.
Looking for a very dark location for viewing the night sky, away from city lights.
Is this a good spot for it, or can you recommend one?
Planning for this weekend, please.
Thank you.
Ditulis pada 14 Oktober 2020
The surrounding areas would be appropriate since this is away from big cities and lights. But access to this actual property is closed by gate after closing time.
Ditulis pada 18 Februari 2021
Do we need to call ahead and make an appointment or can we just show up?
Ditulis pada 27 Juli 2019
No open to all, unless you need to book a group....
Ditulis pada 8 Agustus 2019
My mother walks with a cane and sometimes a walker, is this something she could do or is it not accessible?
Ditulis pada 4 Januari 2015
I have limitation too. I didn’t think it was too hard. You do have to go down and up the stairs but the pace is ok with stop here and there. Walker not a good idea. Cane probably ok.
Ditulis pada 28 Agustus 2019
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