St. Mary Lake
St. Mary Lake
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Greensboro, North Carolina236 kontribusi
Sep 2024 • Teman
This lake was beautiful and we wanted to take the boat ride around the lake. Most tickets were pre-sold but there was room for us at 3pm. It was a great decision! The water was very calm and the driver was very knowledgeable of the lake and glaciers surrounding. We were able to stop at the only stop to walk a short path up to a waterfall that was great. The water was from a glacier and you could feel the temperature go down as you got closer to the area. Very refreshing! Short walk back to the boat and we were back. Very enjoyable experience for East glacier!
Ditulis pada 14 September 2024
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Durga M
Dubai, Uni Emirat Arab1.444 kontribusi
Agu 2024 • Pasangan
This is on the route of going to the sun road.
If you are going from west to east gate you will see it after Logan pass.
It's beautiful picturesque and serene.
There are also options for boat rides however we did not do one.
If you are going from west to east gate you will see it after Logan pass.
It's beautiful picturesque and serene.
There are also options for boat rides however we did not do one.
Ditulis pada 25 Agustus 2024
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Bay Shore, NY890 kontribusi
Jul 2024 • Teman
We did the boat trip on St Mary Lake at Rising Sun to Baring Falls. Our tour guide (I forget her name, she was learning to drive the boat and did an amazing job!) gave us the perfect amount of history and stories. We had some free time at Baring Falls, which was a few minutes walk from the boat landing. The lake is beautiful!
Ditulis pada 20 Agustus 2024
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North Carolina316 kontribusi
Sep 2023 • Teman
Beautiful lake with several stops to enjoy a picnic. Didn’t realize when we saw Wild Goose Island that the area was used in films, including the opening scene of The Shining. Would love to take a boat tour sometime.
Ditulis pada 1 Oktober 2023
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Madison, WI88 kontribusi
Agu 2023 • Pasangan
I booked a boat trip on St Mary's Lake while I was at Glacier National Park. The name of our boat was Little Chief. This is a must do activity! Sammy Jo was our Captain and she did an amazing job. The Boat Tour is about 2 hours and they also take you to Baring Falls. Here you will deboard from the boat and hike to the Falls. You can even get close enough to the Falls to enjoy a misty shower if you like. Then sail around the lake on your return trip. They also take you to Wild Goose Island, the famous place in the movie "The Shining". This is an awesome activity to do while you are at Glacier National Park. Enjoy!
Ditulis pada 30 Agustus 2023
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Postcards From Carrie
Frederick, MD110 kontribusi
Agu 2023 • Keluarga
We enjoyed the boat tour with Glacier Park Boats. Mo was our driver and she was knowledgeable! The boat took us to Baring Falls where we got off for about 15 minutes to see the falls. That was a nice surprise! The lake is really beautiful, it is definitely a better scenic lake than Lake McDonald. The dead trees from the fire actually were a beautiful contrast to the blue water and pink wildflowers, so much color!
Ditulis pada 14 Agustus 2023
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Bristol, TN215 kontribusi
Agu 2023 • Pasangan
This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Yes, there are a lot of dead trees from wildfires, but that is part of nature as well. The lake and the mountains are breathtakingly beautiful.
Ditulis pada 8 Agustus 2023
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Anita C
Frisco, TX7 kontribusi
Agu 2023
No hike needed to see this beautiful lake!! Just drive from East side of Glacier National park or drive from West side and pass through Logan pass to see this beautiful view by just parking at the side of the Going to the Sun Road.
Ditulis pada 5 Agustus 2023
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Kalispell, MT18.262 kontribusi
Jun 2023 • Pasangan
This is one of the best lakes in Glacier...for views, it's boat tour, and famous classic mountain scenery. The view from Wild Goose Island Overlook with the "Matterhorn" type peak in the distance is said to have been the inspiration for Universal Pictures Logo.
Visitors without the newly mandated Vehicles ticket passes can access the lakeshore and Sun Road at any time...up to Rising Sun. They can also access the entire Sun Road from St Mary to Apgar, without having vehicle tickets before 6 AM and after 3 PM.
In 2023 this St Mary Lake access is the most hassle free way to enjoy the Going to the Sun Road because of serious road construction and delays between Lake McDonald Lodge and Apgar on the West Side. Avid hikers and scenic road trippers will probably prefer to home base on Glacier's East side.
Visitors without the newly mandated Vehicles ticket passes can access the lakeshore and Sun Road at any time...up to Rising Sun. They can also access the entire Sun Road from St Mary to Apgar, without having vehicle tickets before 6 AM and after 3 PM.
In 2023 this St Mary Lake access is the most hassle free way to enjoy the Going to the Sun Road because of serious road construction and delays between Lake McDonald Lodge and Apgar on the West Side. Avid hikers and scenic road trippers will probably prefer to home base on Glacier's East side.
Ditulis pada 19 Juni 2023
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Woodcliff Lake, NJ176 kontribusi
Jun 2023 • Pasangan
Very nice and fun hike to St Mary Fall and then further onto Virginia Fall. Relatively easy and fun. Took us about 2 hours total. Virginia falls is larger and more fun. You will get all wet from Virginia Fall's mist. There are some up and down, but no ledges. Areas up to Virginia Falls can get muddy. Definitely recommend this.
Ditulis pada 12 Juni 2023
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Hi. How far is the Rising Sun campground from the viewpoint of the Wild Goose Island? Thanks.
Ditulis pada 19 Desember 2017

Anggota Tripadvisor
Almost a mile. If you are planning on walking from the campground to the Goose Island viewpoint, just keep in mind that mile is along a winding road often filled with traffic. There is enough space to walk safely, however it won't be a sidewalk.
Ditulis pada 21 Desember 2017
Did you have to sign up for the boat ride prior to arrival? I am going next week and would love to take a boat ride.
Ditulis pada 7 September 2017
I'm not sure about this because we saw it from above. We sat for lunch at a picnic stop above the lake and saw a boat taking tourists for a trip. You can get to see lots of wildlife from the boat so take along your binoculars because you never knew what you might see.
Ditulis pada 10 September 2017
Hi all,
We will be in East Glacier in July and would love to have a picnic lunch where we can have outstanding views of the lake.
Our time will be somewhat limited so we won't be able to do too long of a hike to get there. We will be driving down from Many Glacier and then along Going to the Sun Road to check-in at Lake McDonald lodge.
Any and all suggestions would be helpful especially with pointers on how to get here :D
Ditulis pada 21 Juni 2017
I'm sorry you have had no responses to your question, I just saw the notification.
Lake McDonald Lodge is beautiful and there are plenty of places there by the lake for a picnic. Trail of the Cedars is a nice hike on the west side of the pass, almost to Lake McDonald Lodge. It is a quick1 mile round trip. We took the connecting trail to Avalanche Lake and it was beautiful! That is a 4.5 round trip hike that we felt was well worth it. It is very popular and parking can be a challenge though.
Hidden Lake trail at Logan Pass is another hike that the views are amazing! That 5.4mile RT hike is also very popular but there is plenty of parking. Or you could stop at St. Mary Lake. There was a big fire in that area a couple of years ago so the dead trees are ugly but it has opened the view of the lake and the wildflowers growing in the forest floor are pretty.
Coming from Many Glacier you would come to St. Mary Lake first, next would be Logan Pass where Hidden Lake trail is and last before reaching Lake McDonald Lodge would be Trail of the Cedars/Avalanche Lake. My first choice would be Hidden Lake, then Avalanche Lake and last would be St. Mary Lake. I'm not sure what is too long of a hike for you that day but as far as Glacier hikes are concerned these are short hikes. Man, now I am wanting to go back it is so beautiful!
Enjoy the beauty!
Ditulis pada 5 Juli 2017
I am travelling to St. Mary to see my son who will be working on a boat tours out of St. Mary. What is the closest or easiest motel to stay at with close amenities like restaurant. Will I need to rent a car and if so any suggestions. I will be flying from Florida.
Ditulis pada 19 April 2017
We'll be visiting Glacier in July. We'll be staying one night at Many Glacier hotel and camping two nights. While, I would prefer camping at Many Glacier (I'm attempting to reserve a spot ahead of time), if I can't get a spot there, how is St. Mary camping? What part of the campground is recommended?
Ditulis pada 9 Januari 2017
Many Glacier is a very nice campground and we wish we had spent at least one night camping there. It is so close to the Grinnel Glacier hike and the Red Rock Falls hike which is beautiful. We saw 3 moose on this hike feeding in the lakes. St Mary's campground is conveniently located near the east side visitors center where the shuttle buses pick up. There is a walking trail from the campground to the visitors center. Most of the campsites are semiprivate. We choose one with trees and it was nice. Just remember the farther the site you choose from the visitors center the farther you will be walking to pick up the shuttle bus. We saw a mother moose with 2 babies in the river between the campground and visitor center. We were very happy we stayed at St. Mary's campground. Have fun on your trip!
Ditulis pada 10 Januari 2017
Glacier National Park-Rising Sun Camping is first come first serve status. For more information go onto NPS . gov web site for more info.
It's beautiful and September is less crowded than Summer months
Ditulis pada 22 Juli 2016
Can i go to the lake only by boat? or can i hike too? How long is the hike?
Ditulis pada 4 Agustus 2015
You can hike along the lakeside trail instead of taking the boat. It is an easy hike and the trails on the lakeside link up with those going to the falls.
Ditulis pada 23 Maret 2017
Can you paddle your own watercraft on the lake? Is there open water in April or is it still frozen?
Ditulis pada 27 April 2015
I don't think they have paddecraft for rent on the St. Mary's lake side of Logan Pass. But, there are some for rent on the western side of the Pass MacDonald's lodge I think, at the lake and hotel there.
Ditulis pada 23 Maret 2017
Como llego desde México?
Ditulis pada 5 Januari 2015
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