Gedung Olah Raga kota Nagoya

Gedung Olah Raga kota Nagoya

Gedung Olah Raga kota Nagoya
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3,5 dari 5 lingkaran83 ulasan
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Steve D
Liverpool, UK486 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2019
We caught the metro from Nagoya centre.Its a short walk to Aichi Gymnasium.The ticket office is outside.We bought western style seats from the ticket office as we didnt want to sit on a mat.You can also buy them online.The fights are in a circular ring. The lowest ranked fights are in the morning. The senior wrestlers fight in the afternoon.The pre fight ceremony takes up the bulk of the event.The whole event is absorbing.
Ditulis pada 29 September 2019
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New Jersey59 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2018 • Sendiri
I came here for the Grand Sumo Tournament in July. Although it requires 2 trains from Nagoya Station, it was still easy to get there. It's right next to the city hall subway stop. I came during a heatwave & it was not pleasant walking in the hallways where the food & souvenir stalls were because there was no airconditioning. The gym was airconditioned; however, the people sitting closer to the dohyo or sumo ring were fanning themselves. I think all the acs were on top & the air didn't reach the lower part of the gym. If you're going in the summer, keep that in mind. Summers in Japan can be hot & humid. I was in the cheap section, and the ac was right on me, which was great. Also, even though I was in the upper section, I had a great view of the sumo ring because the gymnasium wasn't that big.
Ditulis pada 31 Agustus 2018
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Ian M
Belfast, UK199 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2018 • Pasangan
We specifically flew onto Nagoya for easy access to Kyoto and the Sumo Wresrling.
I bought tickets on the internet through the official site and collected them at Will Call. They cost about £35 each and we were quite far from The dojo but it was still very enjoyable. You are allowed to leave once and return which we did. We watched an hour in the morning when the arena was quite empty and the last three hours which includes the ring parade of the top wrestlers. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing the colour, rituals and tradition of this great sport. Better still the tournament was won by a Japanese wrestler. Fantastic experience.
Ditulis pada 23 Juli 2018
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Amerika Serikat237 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2017
This was on my husband's bucket list but not mine. The more I sat and watched the more I became enthralled with the showmanship and the psyching out of the opponent. This was and event for all ages - grandparents, kids and adults were in attendance. None of it is in English so it was good to have a local guide to explain what was going on and the players. You can see the sumo wrestlers up close coming in an out of the arena and walking on the street by the gymnasium on the day of the event. Getting tickets was VERY difficult and took months of research but we ended up getting a box with 4 cushions closer to the ring through an agent, and 2 seats with backs and a local guide through Viatour for 4 of us. The box for 4 people is small and cramped if you are not used to sitting on the floor with crossed legs. 3 of us ended up sitting in the box (which gets hot due to many people sitting very close together) and 1 on the chair with back (which is my recommendation). Before the most popular matches, there are advertisers that walk around the ring with their advertisements. Each of those equals an envelope with 300 yen to the winner of the round. Some wrestlers received 15 envelopes. I would say if you are going to Japan and can snag some tickets, this is a must see at least once. I have attached pics of the different types of seating.
Ditulis pada 22 Juli 2017
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Hong Kong, Cina549 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2017 • Keluarga
Happened to be in Nagoya when their sumo tournament was on, it was such an amazing experience. We booked an all day ticket of a box for 4 people at approximately $650USD, a bit expensive but worth every penny! Highly recommend this event for all.
Ditulis pada 18 Juli 2017
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7 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2017
We only came to nagoya to see the sumo wrestling in japan and it did not disappoint! It was an amazing day and the arena was fantastic!
Ditulis pada 14 Juli 2017
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Michelle M
Nagoya, Jepang15 kontribusi
4,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jun 2016
Sumo is more than sport. The Japanese National Sumo Tournaments moves seasonally, and summer season is Nagoya's turn. Watching sumo at a real tournament "basho" (place) gives one a glimpse of the ceremonial aspects of the sport, the types of fans it attracts, and an sense for the "stables" where the sumo wrestlers are trained. The elite tatami-mat boxes (seats ) that include a box lunch and take-home souvenirs, are quite expensive, but seats or standing areas in the back are more economical. You can contact the ticket office with queries. When you do, get someone who speaks English and maybe you can ask about the locations of the many temples around Nagoya where the wrestlers train during this time. They will stay put in the area during the entire time of the seasonal tournament.
Ditulis pada 16 Mei 2017
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Barrie, Kanada824 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2016 • Pasangan
Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to see Sumo Wrestling, either live or in person, as I was always fascinated by any type of wrestling, be it "professional," or amateur, etc. When I booked my trip to Japan, I just so happened to book it during the final week of the July Sumo Tournament! Great! I was super excited to go, though my fiancée was less than impressed: "why would I want to see a bunch of overweight, sweaty guys in a circle?" By the end of the day, she was maybe even more thrilled than I was.

We arrived in Nagoya with about an hour and a half to spare, before the start of the tournament. We went for a little stroll around the moat of Nagoya Castle, before heading to the gymnasium. Out there, we ate some lunch that we had bought earlier, then headed in. We were given sheets of all the competitors for the day, as well as their opponents, won/loss records and the level they were competing at. As well, we were given complimentary fans. We sat down, watched the few lower-level matches (which were just as good as the later ones, truth be told) and took in the fact that 90% of the gymnasium was empty. After a couple of bouts, I headed around the corner, bought some souvenirs and some more food, before buying a Sumo Bento (a really good collection of foods). The day continued and the bouts got more and more frantic, culminating with the final bout of the day, which ended up having the best finish BY FAR of all the matches that day.

The venue is old, but has a ton of charm and the seats are comfortable, especially for being there for hours and hours. The food is good, but not up to the level of stadium food.

If you travel to Japan during a tournament, it is a must-see by far.
Ditulis pada 18 Februari 2017
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Chiang Mai, Thailand41 kontribusi
3,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2016 • Keluarga
It is a dated "gymnasium", which is more like a small auditorium in the US. It seats about 7,000 people. It was built in 1964, and it shows. Also, not the best A/C when full on a hot July day.

But the sumo tournament-- awesome!! I highly recommend everyone spending one afternoon witnessing this wonderful spectacle.
Ditulis pada 3 Oktober 2016
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Auckland208 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Jul 2016 • Keluarga
For a couple of weeks each year a big national Sumo championship is held here, just adjacent to the castle. On line tickets sell out at great expense weeks or months in advance. However, a few tickets are reserved for the back row of seats to sell on the day. We got 5 tickets at 9 am but I saw people being turned away at 11am. It starts early with less important wrestlers, and we hopped forward into vacant ringside seats to watch for an hour. We went into Nagoya for lunch and came back at 3pm to see the rock stars of Sumo. By then the place is absolutely packed.
People line the streets to see the famous wrestlers enter the stadium.
These big guys were incredible and very entertaining to watch for a couple of hours.
The audience is almost all Japanese and they are very passionate about it.
Food, drinks and souvenirs are sold.
We really enjoyed this and it is well worth a day trip on the JR train from Kyoto.
Ditulis pada 16 Juli 2016
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