Iglesia Parroquial de Santiago Apostol

Iglesia Parroquial de Santiago Apostol

Iglesia Parroquial de Santiago Apostol
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4,5 dari 5 lingkaran11 ulasan
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London, UK31.555 kontribusi
5,0 dari 5 lingkaran
Okt 2015 • Sendiri
The parish church of St James. Iglesia Parroquial de Santiago. Constructed at end of 15th Century in gothic style.
At some point in time the interior was covered with a white wash thus making the interior quite cold and of course totally different to the original where you would have seen fresco paintings. In front of the altar a tomb with the remains of Don Alonso de Cardenas and his wife Dona Leonor de Luna and originally stood a small mausoleum now removed with the two marble statues fixed to the left hand wall and other parts of the original structure fixed to the retable rear wall. One showing an interesting headdress worn by presumably Alonso and Leonor with book on lap and hunting bird on left arm. A visit was made possible with the help of my guide Manuel.
Ditulis pada 30 Oktober 2015
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