Seinsheimer Schloss
Seinsheimer Schloss
Tampilan layar penuh
Hubungi langsung
Lokasi terdekat terbaik
37 dalam 5 km
Objek wisata
128 dalam 10 km
8 ulasan
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Sangat buruk
Rotterdam, Belanda1.053 kontribusi
Jan 2022
The Seinsheimer Schlooss is a beautiful middle aged building at the heart of marktbreit. You can even enter because it is a restaurant..
Ditulis pada 7 Januari 2022
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Ralf K
Wurzburg, Jerman1.734 kontribusi
Mei 2017 • Teman
The history of the Seinsheimer castle starts in the year of 1580. In this year the baron Georg Ludwig von Seinsheim has built this construction. For this construction has been responsible Fugger- architects from Augsburg. The castle wasn't inhabited by the baron himself rather it served the women of the baron as a residence. The princes of Fürstenberg who followed the Seinsheim barons changed the building to a representative office building. In 1806 King Max I. from Bavaria used it as a district court. Today you will find a restaurant and cafe inside.
Ditulis pada 14 Mei 2017
Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota Tripadvisor, bukan dari Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ulasan.
Antwerpen, Belgia7.248 kontribusi
Agu 2011 • Pasangan
Built in 1585 as a residence for the second wife of Georg Ludwig von Seinsheim (Georg Ludwig von Hohenkottenheim zu Seinsheim, * 26.1.1514, + Marktbreit 11.10.1591; 1st wife: Margarete von Rüdigheim (+ 1557); 2nd wife: Barbara von Hessberg (+ Ansbach 10.9.1601). The Castle reminds of the Reichsfreiherrn (barons of the Empire), the Imperial- and the Prince-Bishop's Council. Georg Ludwig von Seinsheim dem Älterem (1514-1591) insured the economic growth for the following centuries with the granted city rights in 1557.
Ditulis pada 4 Desember 2011
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